Meet Darcy

About Compete Human Health:

  • Certified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner
  • Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner 
  • Certified Nutritionist
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Time Line Therapy Practitioner (Time Line Therapy®)
  • Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner 
  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Certified Full Body Detoxification Specialist 
  • Certified BIA Practitioner

Hello, my name is Darcy and I am a 42-year-old Integrative Health Practitioner from Canada. My passion for health and wellness started at a very young age due to what seemed like an insurmountable amount of obstacles I needed to overcome just to live a normal life.

When I was only 12 years old, I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis and gastrointestinal issues, went through two knee surgeries at the age of 16 and by my early twenties had three operations done on each knee. Around this time (15) I found a place to work out in the basement of my home and in the high school gym. I began reading nutrition, health, anatomy and pharmacology books by the crate and went to all the public libraries in search of all books on health, physiology, nutrition, and exercise, which led into disease treatment, prevention and a vast understanding of the human body all before I had graduated from high school. 

During the ages of sixteen and seventeen, after being sick and tired of being sick and tired, always in chronic pain, and not feeling there was any hope for me, I began to put this knowledge to use and did what some would call a "Super Hero Training Montage". In a little over three months, transformed my body from a 265lb teen with a 42 inch waist, to a lean and strong 195lb version of myself with a 32 inch waist. From this, I gained the acceptance and applause from my peers, but was still the emotional fat kid inside. The following 10 years was filled with more diagnosis, surgery, and chronic illness that I eventually treated on my own when I got further into the fields of Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Today, I maintain a very healthy body and mind. I look and feel better than I ever have and help people to do the same.   

I had to overcome many obstacles and learning experiences in the process to become the person I am today. Through my years of education and experience, I have made almost every mistake and learned the accompanying lessons needed to help people like you stop the suffering and get their health and power back. Together, we can get the health and life you want and deserve. 

Best Regards, 
